Graduation Ceremony and Celebration Party
A graduation ceremony and celebration were held. Congratulations to all M2 and B4 students on your graduation. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors in society and graduate school.
A graduation ceremony and celebration were held. Congratulations to all M2 and B4 students on your graduation. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors in society and graduate school.
Associate Professor Kobayashi gave an oral presentation, and Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Mamiya gave poster presentations at the 6th general meeting on Hyper-Adaptability. This was the last activity in the Hyper-Adaptability area.
We held a farewell party for Mr. Tsuchiya, Mr. Nakamura, Mr. Matsuura, and Mr. Yuto. We created memories with our lab members before graduation.
Mr. Azuma, Ms. Takami, and Mr. Mamiya gave interim master's presentations. Let's continue your research in preparation for next year's master's thesis presentation. Thank you to everyone at M1 for your hard work.
Ms. Wada gave a presentation at the DAS 36th. She learned a lot from her first conference presentation. Ms. Wada, thank you for your hard work.
Mr. Tuchiya and Mr. Nakamura gave their masters's thesis presentation. They presented the results of their two years of research. Thank you both for your hard work.
Mr. Kawamatsu, Mr. Nakahara, and Mr. Matsubara gave a lab-work presentation. I believe that your experience during this six-month period will help your graduation research. Thank you to all the lab-work students for your hard work.
Mr. Takamori, Mr. Yuto, and Ms. Wada gave their graduation presentation. They presented the results of their one year of research. Thank you to everyone in B4 for your hard work.
Mr. Kato and Mr. Tsuchiya participated in SII2024. I think presenting at an international conference was a valuable experience. Thank you both for your hard work.
We had a year-end party with our laboratory members. Thank you for your hard work this year!
Mr. Takamori, Ms. Wada, and Mr. Yuto gave midterm presentations. Let's make use of this experience and do your best in presenting your graduation thesis!
Associate Professor Kobayashi gave a poster presentation at SI2023.
A university festival was held at Shizuoka University Hamamatsu Campus, and we introduced our research. It was a good opportunity for many people to learn about our research.
A laboratory alumni party was held after the first day of the university festival. We heard valuable things from alumni.
Mr. Nakamura gave a poster presentation at HypAd2023. Mr. Nakamura, thank you for your hard work.
We held a welcome party for 3 lab work students, Mr. Kawamatsu, Mr. Nakahara, and Mr. Matsubara.
Mr. Paco participated in RSJ2023 and gave a presentation.Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Paco!
Autumn Graduation Ceremony was held. Congratulations to Ms. Madhumitha and Mr. Ky on your graduation. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
We held a farewell party for Ms. Madhumitha, Mr. Ky, and Mr. Adam. I hope it became a good memory before graduation.
Ms. Wada, Mr. Takamori, and Mr. Yuto gave a midterm presentation. They presented what they learned and what they conducted in this three months. I think the comments from the faculty and upperclassmen will make your research activity better.
Mr. Paco, Ms. Madhumitha, and Ms. Takami participated in Robomech2023. I think you could learn a lot through giving your presentation and listening the presentations of other participants who are conducting research in various fields.
We had a bowling tournament with everyone from Miura, Usuki, and Sekine labs. We had a disappointing result in the laboratory competition, so I want to get revenge next year...!